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作为Kiwa集团的成员,Extel能源公司已经分析了多个存在背板问题的地点。 2017年,他们对泰国的一个10兆瓦地面安装项目进行了研究,该项目于2013年投入使用,有部分场地表现不佳。 我们注意到在电池周边有许多背板裂缝,使水分进入层压板。 这进一步导致了腐蚀和变色。 在极端情况下,该问题导致了从电池电路到机架的接地和电弧故障,通过背板裂缝的路径,导致了烧伤和玻璃破碎。

Extel的进一步调查发现,该阵列的一个2兆瓦部分的功率比模块的功率保证低5%。 基于这些发现,模块制造商提供了替换模块,但网站所有者仍需支付替换模块的劳动力。

要求PVEL PQP背板耐久性序列测试有助于防止不可靠的背板进入市场,从而避免背板相关的故障。



背板耐用性序列只关注背板对聚合物的敏感性。 降级。 因此,对于玻璃//玻璃组件或其他组件时,不需要进行该测试。 材料被改变。

  • 背板
  • 背板颜色

PVEL has not identified any catastrophic failures during BDS testing.

Over the past three years, PVEL’s BDS testing for PQPs has not revealed any backsheets that have suffered from backsheet cracks. This covers backsheets with a range of outer layer materials including coatings, PVF, PVDF and PET films.

PVEL’s BDS test has qualified ~40% of the available backsheets.

The BDS results represent less than half of the 130 backsheets available on the market according to ENF’s solar backsheet directory. It is possible that the untested backsheets, including those from new market entrants, are susceptible to cracking.

Electrical insulation and power label failures exist.

While no cracking has been observed, PVEL has detected wet leakage/electrical insulation failures during BDS that were traced to the junction boxes. Additionally, UV exposure made some power labels illegible, a major defect according to IEC 61215.

Historical modules still suffer from backsheet failures.

PVEL is frequently contacted by site owners experiencing insulation failures, delamination, and corrosion issues due to modules with backsheet cracks. Repairs are often the suggested remedy, the reliability of which remains unclear.


The BDS begins with exposing glass//backsheet modules to 1000 hours of damp heat, which weakens bonds in susceptible polymer backsheet materials. This is followed by rear-side UV exposure, 50 thermal cycles (TC), and 10 humidity freeze (HF) cycles. This sequence of UV, TC and HF testing is repeated twice more, followed by a short UV exposure for photobleaching, which removes a specific form of discoloration that occasionally happens in laboratory environments, but not in the field. Throughout BDS, PVEL performs visual inspection, electrical insulation resistance testing, and colorimeter measurements at ten different backsheet locations for two identical samples per BOM.

These colorimeter measurements use the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) L*a*b* coordinate system, with b* representing the yellow/blue coordinate. As material yellowness increases, so does the b* value. Calculating the difference between b* values (“delta b star”) at the beginning and end of BDS testing provides a marker for backsheet discoloration and potential material degradation.

超越模型类型。 采购具有顶级性能的材料清单的光伏组件。


